#WWIExclusives - Actor & Mindset Strategist Aarti Chabria On Recognizing Your Soulmate
In an exclusive interview with WeddingWire India, Actor Aarti Chabria who is also well known as a mindset & spiritual coach reveals all the Signs we see when we meet our soulmate.

Image Credits - Aarti Chabria's Instagram Channel
This journey of finding a soulmate is not always akin to a fairy tale, it is something more powerful. By moving away from your romance checklist, opening your eyes and your heart to unexpected possibilities, you may just find your true soul mate. 'Who is my Soulmate' is a common question that can leave us bewildered from time to time. To get some answers, we reached out to Actor Aarti Chabria. The Awaara Pagal Deewana, Tumse Accha Kaun Hai, and Partner Actor is also a professional Mindset and Spiritual Coach. She is the Founder of Victorious Mind Power Foundation and runs in-depth coaching programs on Finding the Perfect Soulmate.
Let's deep dive and see what Aarti says on the Signs to Know That He/She Is Your Soul Mate.
First Sign to Know That He/She Is The One
Image Credits - Aarti Chabria's Instagram Channel
We spoke to Aarti Chabria and asked "What is the First Sign to Know that He/She is Your Soulmate?". She averred, "The first sign is feeling a connection that lights you up, unlike any other. The chemistry is electric. You feel comfortable being yourself and you are drawn to engage with them, whether it’s communicating with them, or being around them. The main thing is the eyes, you will know it when you look at each other. This person will make you feel at ease and excited, both at the same time to be the best version of yourself. There’s no blow hot, blow cold kind of game playing with this person. Unlike other complex relationships, a soulmate connection is simple, easy, and is two people looking in the same direction. Their values, their goals, their need for love, sexuality, and being understood are in sync. Do I recommend basing your decision if someone is your soulmate, in the first meet? Not at all. It’s easy to confuse an attraction with a soulmate connection. Soulmate connections usually reveal themselves gradually as you give it time."
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Other Signs to Decode That “This” Person Is Your Soulmate
It was astounding to know that, unlike other complex relationships, a soulmate connection can be easy and exhilarating at the same time. We further asked her about other indications to decode the soulmate connection. She said,
- "You feel at home with this person. They lift you. Just being in their presence makes you feel excited, lighter, more energetic.
- You both are attracted to each other's minds, bodies, and spirits. In the sense your values, your thoughts, your philosophies, match, apart from just a physical attraction.
- It’s a spiritual connection that happens for a higher purpose, for you both to encourage and support each other in being the highest version of yourself.
- They get you, they understand and appreciate you more than anyone else.
- The more time you spend with your soulmate, you realize that this is who you always wanted - no compromises.
- You love looking into their eyes and knowing their deepest feelings even without using words.
- You respect each other's needs, without feeling threatened. You feel valued, and don’t have to counter guess where you stand in their life, or who they’re meeting or their decisions at work - there’s an unspoken trust, a faith, a knowing, that your soulmate will do what’s best for both of you, as a team, as you would for them."
Red Flags On This Journey
Image Credits - Aarti Chabria's Instagram Channel
We often miss out on some important red flags and waste our energy, time, and years with the wrong person. We asked Aarti about the red flags and she averred, "If a relationship is repeatedly bringing out the worst in both of you, this could be a ‘twin flame connection’ mistaken for a soulmate connection, initially. This is a red flag. You would have attracted this person because their energy matched yours since twin flames are two halves of the whole, whereas soul mates are not. When two people feel ‘incomplete’ in themselves or ‘needy’ of each other, and depend on each other for their happiness, it’s not an ideal relationship. It's a sign this kind of relationship would spiral downward. Soulmates on the other hand are whole in themselves and come together for a healthy, soulful relationship - they are extraordinarily linked to helping each other grow and evolve into the best versions of themselves and come together to achieve a higher purpose. Most often the people in toxic relationships don’t see the toxicity of the relationship, because this feels familiar for their energy. Another red flag is when you feel the need to ‘play games’ and ‘strategize what to say, whether to meet to ‘act unavailable’ during the dating phase. A huge red flag for people is that some partners assume it’s their birthright to tell you what to do, how to do it, and why to do it. An ideal soulmate would let you make your choices and coincidently it would be in perfect sync with what they want to."
Advice for the LGBTQ community/Single Parents/Singles
Image Credits - Aarti Chabria's Instagram Channel
It's not uncommon for the soulmate to show up in disguise. While you may not be attracted to each other at first, there is a mysterious force pulling you forward to say this is the one. Singles find it difficult to guess this while they are dating each other and which is why we asked Aarti and she said, "Most times when you’re ready for love and settling down, the right person comes along, but for those who find themselves in repeated failed relationships or struggle to find their ideal life partner, self-work is required. The best self-work to attract your perfect soulmate, your ideal life partner, is by working on your energy, cleansing past negative love programming, and limiting beliefs that you could have picked up along the way, to feel that completeness in yourself, to attract a person who matches your frequency, as your soulmate. Since this is what I teach, I can put it down in 6 steps.
- Cleansing any past toxicity and breaking bad relationship patterns so that you heal from destructive behaviors and limiting beliefs that keep sabotaging your relationships. Also cutting the exes out completely.
- Learning how to ‘Magnify and Magnetise’ true love
- Subconscious conditioning for a healthy relationship by making the unfamiliar familiar in some cases.
- Having clarity and being able to visualize exactly how it looks and ‘feels like to be with your soulmate.
- Activating your love frequency! Apart from that, by working on self-love and gratitude.
- Being the highest version of yourself by doing everything you can to radiate being whole and complete in yourself without the neediness or desperation for someone to come and complete you, or save you."
Aarti shared a special tip for LGTBQ Community on how to find a soulmate. She said, "For the LGBTIQ+ community, this advice is ever more so relevant. This is because they still face substantial social pressure, the “twin of equivalent needs” syndrome is greater, it’s even easier to find rapid association and attraction and confuse this for deep-rooted spiritual understanding of body-mind, and soul."
If you have more questions or tips on this topic, write a discussion on the WeddingWire India community.