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All You Need to Know About Body Polishing For Bride

If you have any questions about body polishing as a part of your wedding beauty treatment, read on, because we’re answering them all.

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Twogether Studios by Arjun & Praerna Kartha

Dear bride-to-be, even as you step into your chosen pre-bridal package, you’re going to be bombarded with a host of skincare treatments. So, we are exploring all of them with you, one by one. Here, we bring to you an ultimate guide to body polishing for brides-to-be and believe it or not, you will find out everything there is to know about this amazing pre-bridal beauty treatment, right here, right now.

What is Body Polishing?


Body polishing is a skin treatment in which products made out of natural substance are used to cleanse and moisturize your body. It’s the best way to exfoliate your body skin and make it glow on your wedding day. Body polishing for brides is one beauty treatment you’ll find at almost every salon. Make sure it’s a part of your pre-bridal package.

How is Body Polishing Carried Out?


Body polishing for brides is more or less same at every salon except few minor add ons here and there. For this treatment, ideally, you should take off all your clothes since you’ll be covered with a towel all throughout the process. But if you choose to do otherwise, you’ll still have to be half-naked. So be prepared when you’re going for this treatment and don’t worry because beauticians are extremely professional when it comes to such situations. Make sure you’re comfortable before the treatment starts.

The process begins with you lying down on a comfortable platform that allows your body to relax. You can ask your beautician to take you through the process of body polishing once they actually start with it. You’ll be asked to lie with your face down, to begin with. The beautician will start the process by scrubbing your body, one part at a time. After which, they’ll clean it with a cleanser and then massage it with a cream towards the end. Then, they’ll rinse off your body with lukewarm water.

Ideally, you should take a hot shower bath after your session to rinse off the remaining products on your body. Typically, body polishing for brides takes around 40-45 minutes.

Benefits Of Body Polishing For Brides


  • Removes dead cells
  • Healthy, fresh and attractive skin
  • Exfoliates your body and gives a supple feel
  • Better skin - neither dry nor oily
  • Hydrates body
  • Cleanses skin
  • Extremely relaxing and therapeutic
  • Opens pores and allows your skin to breathe

Things To Keep In Mind For A Body Polishing Routine


1. Body polishing doesn’t involve your face

Your face is a part of your body, but make sure it’s avoided during this treatment. Our facial skin is much more sensitive than our body skin. Instead, there are several other facial treatments that you can get.

2. A week's minimum gap

Maintain a one-week gap between wedding functions and your body polishing routine. Get done with your treatment at least a week before your wedding function, so that it would settle down and look more natural. You also need to maintain a week's gap between multiple body polishing sessions. This will let your body get used to the treatment, gradually.

3. Don’t overdo it

If you are going for multiple sessions of body polishing, make sure you don’t overdo it so that your body doesn’t look unusually shiny and unattractive.

4. Avoid sunlight

Moisturise your body properly and make sure you avoid going into the sunlight too much until your sessions are complete.

5. Medical clearance

Body polishing is not advisable for people who have a fever, a severe allergy or are suffering from cancer. Also, if you have a burn anywhere on your body, make sure that part is left untouched. It’s extremely important that you are medically cleared to get this treatment done.

The conversation required with your Beautician


Here are some things that you need to discuss with your makeup salon's beautician, ahead of opting for body polishing for the bride.

1. Skin type

It’s extremely important that you talk to your beautician about your skin type. Everybody has a different skin and so the products are for different skin types are different too.

2. Allergies

If you are allergic to a particular product or ingredient, you should tell your beautician about it. She or he will make sure to keep it away from you.

3. Products

Always make it a point to check with the beautician about the product brands and their expiry dates. Between our pampering session, we forget basic things.

4. Precautions

Discuss the precautions you might have to take after getting body polishing.

5. Follow-ups

Mostly body polishing for brides doesn’t require too many follow-ups, but it’s always a good idea to discuss it with your beautician, just in case.

We hope we were able to answer all your questions. Now that you know everything about body polishing for brides, make sure to choose wisely.  

If you have any more queries, shoot them in the comment section below.

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