7 Nifty Bridal Juda Hacks That Will Keep Your Look Intact Throughout
How do you make the most classic bridal hairstyles to stand out when you choose to flaunt it? Learn some bridal juda hacks with us to shine on your wedding day.

It is safe to say that if there is one aspect of your look, that can make it or break it, it ought to be your hair. A slight change in hair colours, cut and style can dramatically change your look.
So, when it comes to deciding your bridal look, your hair is of utmost importance. Most brides’ often resort to a bridal juda, as it is fuss-free, neat and easy, for when you are wearing the dupatta over your head. But the bridal juda can be tricky too. Sometimes even all the bob pins in the world cannot hold your crown in place! Hence, we have listed some bridal juda hacks that will help keep your hairdo in place all through the wedding festivities, so you look flawless in all your pictures.
1. Keep a hairspray handy

A universal hair rule, that all hairstylists swear by is that there is nothing a little hairspray can’t fix. In case of an unforeseen circumstance where your bridal juda seems to be getting a little frizzy or messy, or you have a few stray strands just sticking out, then, in that case, a little hair spray to quickly fix up your hair will go a long way. So, when packing your bridal bag, do not forget to throw the hair spray in. It would be ideal if you can manage to get your hands-on travel size hair spray, that can be kept around at the venue.
If your hair texture is such that it is difficult to tame, then you must keep the hair spray handy on stage. A simple hack is to this is to spritz some hairspray onto a toothbrush and pack that brush into a zip lock pouch. A quick sweep of the brush over the stray hair and the frizzy hair popping out, should immediately fix things and combat those flyways.
2. Spray your bob pins

Another simple yet handy hair spray hack that will help keep your bridal juda intact is to spray your bob pins. While we all know that bobby pins are handy little tools that hold that lustrous fort on your head; misting them with a hair spray can help give them a better grip on your hair. So simply give them a quick shower in hairspray, before slipping them into your hair. You could also do a test, by shaking out your hair and see if they move.
3. Pick a sleeker or tighter hairdo

Not all bridal judas are the same, there are variations, while some are voluminous, some of them boast of being long-lasting. The rule of thumb to follow is that anything that is tight and sleek will last longer. If the natural texture of your hair is wavy and curly, and it does not hold heat or product well, then a braided bridal juda is your best choice.
4. Start with texture in your hair

As bizarre as this sounds, second-day hair actually holds a hairdo better than freshly washed hair. So, if you have washed your hair, and your strands a squeaky clean then hairstylist always recommend adding some texture to them via a texturising spray, salts spray or just by adding some mousse into your hair. This keeps your hair soft and smooth, unlike hairspray which may make it brittle. The texturising spray or mouse helps make your hair more bendable and less slippery, hence, making it easier to work with.
5. Go for volume

No, we don’t mean the big pageant style hair, but hair stylists recommend that adding volume to your bridal juda will actually help it last longer. A little extra teasing can go a long way. By the time you reach the venue, your hair would have settled down and you will have just the right volume and thickness, and it wouldn’t stick straight and slick to your face.
6. Last minute accessories

Though it is ideal to be dressed at least an hour before the function, there are some touch-ups that should be done last minute. As for your hair, the touch up you need to leave right for the end is to add that accessory. Adding the accessory, in the end, prolongs its life and it stays intact longer. This is especially important if you are going to deck your bridal juda with fresh flowers, as those tend to wilt quickly.
7. Hand-off

This seems like an obvious tip, but is a vital one - DO NOT touch your hair often. Brides tend to be fidgety out of nervousness, however, the more you will touch your bridal juda, attempt to fix it, or check on it, the more you will ruin it. Not only will the product holding your hair wear-off with all that touching, but the oil from your fingers will also weigh your hair down, loosening it up and ruining all the volume your hair has.
With these handy tips in place, you will have your hair out of your face, quite literally.
Get a trial session with some of the best hair stylists around you who will fix you up the bridal juda of your dreams!