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Save Yourself From Wedding Crashers & Manage Your Guest List

Having more guests than expected can be extremely confusing. Here’s a useful guide with tips on how to avoid such a situation and combat the overload of wedding guests.

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Wedding season has officially begun. And, with its commencement comes an array of things that to be bride and groom need to keep themselves concerned with. one major thing that top the chart is how to keep tabs on your wedding guest list. Won't it be chaotic to have more than expected people to show up at your wedding function? It sure will be. so, how to safeguard yourself and your marriage party from wedding crashers? 

We have sorted down for you a few pointers which may help you resolve your wedding from being gatecrashed by an enormous group of wedding crashers. Take a look and these pointers and find out what works best for you. And, while you're at it ensure that you take help for our guestlist tool to keep tabs on the number of guests, their respective RSVPs and make your task a tad bit easier.

Well, it is easier said than done that having wedding crashers is no big deal. But, truth be told even a handful of extra people, the ones you did not account for when you were preparing your guest list has the propensity to throw you off of your safe balance. So, before it gets out of hand and definitely out of your control, we will enlist some ways that you must watch out for if you want your wedding to be free of wedding crashers in every sense of the word. 

For your wedding guest list to go haywire and definitely over-board could be a problematic thing if you are on a budget and if you don't any food shortages at the last minute. Therefore, a very stringent RSVP must be sent out to avoid the infamous wedding crashers at every cost or at least be prepared for an estimated number of wedding crashers that would be gracing your big day. The easiest way of doing so is by following up with your guest through a digital invitation or including a leaflet in your wedding invitations card an RSVP leaflet and have your friends answers on them accordingly so that you have a number of guests and a number of wedding crashers in mind. 

But, don't worry that is why we are here to help you. We will enlist for you all those many ways in which even if you cannot eliminate the existence of wedding crashers on your big day. But by sticking to these tips, you will at least be able to put your hands on the number of wedding crashers that you may be expected to greet on the day of your wedding. So go ahead and have the wedding you deserve! 

1. Spell it out in your invites

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This isn’t rude at all. It’s a good idea to be clear in your invite and add names to indicate who’ve you invited. That way, your guests will know who to get and there won’t be any surprises. Be assertive and polite but ensure you indicate if your guest can get a plus-one. These precautions help avoid confusion and won’t cause trouble for you later. Try to prevent wedding crashing before it actually happens. Now it is completely up to you if you want to extend the option of having a plus one and if you do then don't forget to assert that plus one means just one and, not two, three, four! This is one of the hacks with which you can put a cap on the number of wedding crashers who get depending on how many are willing to abide by the plus one moto. 

2. Don’t change the rules for some

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If you do this, you risk upsetting a few of your guests. If you’ve decided to not have a policy for people to get along a plus-one at the wedding, stick to it for everyone. Don’t make exceptions for anyone. While this may be disappointing for some, it’ll help prevent chaos in general.

3. Get someone to keep a lookout

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Get a trustworthy friend or relative to serve as your lookout to make sure no one is crashing the wedding. If there are many guests, ask a few friends to do this and keep an eye out for anything unusual. Whether it’s an angry kid who throws a tantrum or an anti-social element trying to disrupt the peace at the festivities, brief your crew on how to handle all kinds of situations. You must also keep details of security officials at the venue handy and alert them immediately if something happens.

4. Be tactful

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If you do see someone you don’t recognize and are pretty sure it’s a stranger, you can be subtle and politely ask them who they are. Be observant and don’t hesitate to ask your friends and family to let you know if someone you don’t know is coming from abroad or far-flung relative plans to show up for the event. Ask the manager at the venue to be discreet if crashers are caught and escort them out without creating a major scene. You don’t want this kind of drama at your wedding and being firm but polite will do a lot of good.

5. Be cautious

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If you don’t want to be bothered by the possibility of uninvited guests showing up at the wedding, ask your wedding planner to help you out with a meticulous alphabetized guest list which can keep track of everyone attending the wedding. Extra security is a good option too because it’ll discourage people from crashing and ending up in trouble.

Having gone through these pointers we are hopeful that you have at least some of these things under check and in your control. But, for those surprise wedding crashers raiding your marriage celebrations, there is only so much that you can do about it. 

Appoint a few of your buddies to keep a close look on who's in and who's out. Meanwhile, talk to us about your celebrations and how you made sure that the wedding crashers remained at a bare minimum through comments.