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Valentine's Alert: 6 Lip Care Tips & Home Remedies Every Bride Must Try to Get the Plump Lips She Always Wanted

You have your entire bridal look on point but still, have chappy lips? Well, then your work is far from over! We have prepared a listicle of some remedies & lip care tips that will help you get the pink & luscious lips you always dreamt of having!

Image Courtesy: Kulwant Singh Photography

How pink, supple and plum your lips are can really make or break your final bridal makeup look. And, being the bride-to-be or the bride’s sister, you cannot afford to hamper with your makeup glam. Can you now? If you are planning to get married during Valentine’s week then we will help you prepare for it quick and easy. Follow these lip care tips to get plump and luscious lips, ready in time for Valentine’s infamous - kiss day!

These Home Remedies Circling Around Lip Care Tips Will Help You Look like a Dream Come True!

Image Courtesy: Arman Milind Makeup Artist

We all grew up listening to our Dadi Maa Ke Nuske for skin care and hair care! Follow these home remedies and lip care tips and become kiss ready!

1. Do It the H2O Way!


How often do you forget to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day? Everyday! Right? A habit each one of us must break if we ever want a chance at having soft pink lips! You must drink an adequate amount of water before you can try making your lips wondrous from the outside! Gradually increase your water intake to 8-10 glasses per day. You must avoid drinking too much tea and coffee, basically anything that has excess caffeine.

2. DIY Honey & Sugar Exfoliator

Makeup by Sabinaa

Exfoliating is one of the best techniques to get rid of dead cells. Thought your skin is the only place on your body which has accumulated dead cells? Your lips, too, have dead cells which makes them appear dull and cracked! Gently massage and exfoliate your lips with this scrub to get rid of dead skin.

Step by Step Process:

  • Microwave a spoonful of honey
  • Stir in a little natural oil
  • Add a spoonful of sugar
  • Mix the two well in a clean container
  • Rub the mixture onto your lips
  • Leave on for up to two minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water
  • Wipe your lips with a clean hand towel
  • Apply a moisturising lip balm to restore minerals and vitamins

3. Diy Olive or Coconut Oil and Sugar Exfoliator

Makeup by Sabinaa

Mix these ingredients in a clean container and gently use this thick paste to exfoliate your lips thrice in a week. Start using this exfoliator a few weeks prior to your wedding day to get the best result. Follow this lip care tip and wait for the magic of soft lips to change your life for good.

Step by Step Process:

  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil or olive oil whichever you would like to use
  • 1 tablespoon citrus fruit zest, preferably lemon
  • About 1/2 teaspoon of citrus essential oil (rosemary)
  • Combine all ingredients in a clean bowl
  • Rub the mixture on your lips in circular motion. PS - you can also use it as a face scrub
  • Rinse well with lukewarm water and pay dry

4. Massage Lips with Aloe Vera Gel

Tripti Malhotra

Aloe Vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe your skin and relieve stinging sensations which thus gives your lips a very supple and smooth texture.

Step by Step Process:

  • Cut a fresh Aloe Vera leaf
  • Cut it diagonally so you have two open stems
  • Use a spoon to separate the gel from the leaf stalk
  • Apply the gel on your lips
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water in 20 minutes

5. DIY Turmeric & Milk Paste

Tripti Malhotra

Always wanted blush pink lips? Well, this is how you can get closer to that dream of yours. Turmeric paste not only does wonder to the skin (no wonder we use it to brighten the bride’s glow on Haldi ceremony) but it also helps in lightening the texture and colour of your lips. The lactic acid will lighten the pigmented, and dry lips, while the turmeric will help keep your lips healthy.

Step by Step Process:

  • Take a spoon of turmeric powder in a bowl
  • Add a few spoons of milk
  • Mix the two well till you get a thick paste
  • Apply this paste on your lips and slightly massage using a toothbrush
  • Let sit for 5 minutes before you rinse it off using lukewarm water
  • Pat, it dry and apply a thin layer of lip balm to contain the properties of this mixture in place
  • Repeat twice every week and follow this leading up to your wedding day

6. Massage with Almond Oil

Tripti Malhotra

Rich in vitamin E and other vitamins, and minerals, rubbing almond oil on your lips will nourish your lips and you will get rid of flaky lips. Do this on a regular basis and say bye to chappy lips and welcome your smoother, softer, and suppler lips. Follow this lip care tip and you will get there sooner or later! If you have dry skin, you can apply these oils all over your skin as well before hopping into the shower.

Step by Step Process:

  1. Take a few drops of almond oil on your fingers
  2. Gently massage on your lips twice daily for best results

Tripti Malhotra

So, if you have always coveted soft and pink lips and kept dying a little on the inside every time you saw a girl walking with naturally pink lips, then brides this is your cue! Work your way up the softer lip ladder by following these home remedies and lip care tips and including them into your regular skincare regime for face and body. Learn these lip care tips like you learnt the lyrics of your favourite song and prep for your big day as you get kissable lips in 1,2,3!

We hope this kiss day you get to have the pink lips you always wanted. What did you think of these home remedies? Tell us through the comments!