Keep A Brave Face - 5 Common Marriage Problems You May Face And How To Deal With Them Effectively
A marriage may sometimes seem tough and at the face of it, your troubles may seem bigger than what they are. So, to navigate through it all smoothly we bring to you a list of some marriage problems and solutions to help you.

Once the wedding is over and it is time to move forward into a new environment and embrace new relations, there are bound to be some troubles, in settling into this new setting. From sharing the roof with someone to sharing your bed, you might be stumped by some marriage problems, right from the first week of your forever or even a year into it.
Common Marriage Problems And How To Move Beyond Them
Remember that having a discord or disagreements or even full-fledged fight isn’t a litmus test for your life after the marriage ceremony. After all, we have these fights even with our dearest and loved ones. The beginning of your marriage is bound to set the tone for your entire journey together.
So be sure to have some healthy traditions to keep everything in check and resolve these marriage problems.
1. Power-play
Image courtesy: Flash N Buzz Photography
In today’s world, one of the most common misconceptions is that one partner would dominate the other in the relationship. While most believe in an equal approach, trying to conform to this belief in itself leads to an unsettling set of marriage problems.
We strongly advocate eliminating this idea altogether. The whole submissive-dominating level is unhealthy and will surely blow up! From decision making, be it for a movie or the flat you move into everything merits a discussion and combined decisions. Sure, there will be times when you will feel strongly about something while your partner may not agree, in such instances, it is okay to compromise.
2. The lack of intimacy

Another common marriage problem is the lack of intimacy or the absence of it altogether. It is beyond okay to take your own time (and not have expectations right from the first night of marriage) and pace settling into a marriage, but intimacy begins to become a marriage problem when the lack of it is interpreted as disinterest or even absence of attraction.
Intimacy is a silent language which gives a sense of feelings and emotions invested in a relation, one can even get intimate with their words and gestures if not actual sexual acts and these are essential to let the other person know that you are interested in them. No matter how many years or even days it has been to your marriage, intimacy is the key to letting the person know they are loved and wanted.
Remember that to avoid this marriage problem.
3. Keep the communication channel open!

A key to solving many marriage problems is to always leave the channels of communication open! From day one to the years to pass, one essential key to successful relationships is good communication and honesty. You must be able to talk to each other about everything essential and nothing important as well.
You must find a friend in your spouse to end discords even before they begin, sure you are bound to have fights and misunderstanding but one should always remember that there is nothing you cannot discuss with your spouse be it problems with relatives or even discords in office to even something you disagree about with them.
Such open communication will fend away infidelity, loneliness and other marriage problems.
You can begin this approach right from your courtship period - believe us, being able to talk to each will resolve many a set of marriage problems.
4. Safety first

In the plethora of marriage problems, you must remember that your safety is utmost important and transcends all bounds and obligations in a relationship as a wife or even a husband.
No matter how long you've been in a marriage, no matter how much you are in love or no matter what you did, domestic abuse and violence of any sort are not acceptable.
This is not said enough. Your silence will time and again fail you. If you ever feel unsafe or have faced abuse of any degree, you must report it and take the necessary action. You will find help, but you must seek it.
5. The family-life balance

As you make the shift from one house to another, you might find it daunting to make such a remarkable adjustment overnight and this might seem like a big marriage problem. But remember it takes years to build a relationship which took moments to tie, so it is okay to have a few discords and disagreements along the way.
After all, that too is the course of a relationship and you need to nurture this relationship with your new family. Always keep the communication open and kind gestures like appreciating what the other person does for you to even sudden presents, are good ways of expressing love. Between all of this keeping in touch with your family too may be hard. Strive from time to time, to give them a call for some advice or leave a message expressing your feelings. This will not only keep you feeling connected, but your family will come to appreciate your efforts.
There were just a few of the marriage problems you may face. But remember there is no quota of fights, what constitutes normal, or even if you fight every other day it is not an indicator of how well your marriage is working. There are bound to be marriage problems are you are spending the rest of your life with an individual, these discords and misunderstanding will always leave your relationship stronger with a better understanding of one another and these essentials will form the foundation of your marriage! So, don’t worry, always talk to one another, trust each other, respect decisions, help out whenever you can and never stop expressing your emotions.
What do you think is a common marriage problem we didn’t discuss? Let us know in the comments.