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16 Awesome Muslim Marriage Images to Appreciate and Learn From

Attending a Muslim wedding anytime soon and would like to know what it’s all about? Check out these amazing Muslim marriage images that will capture it all.

Image Courtesy: Memoirz Photo Cinema

If you’re someone who is attending a Muslim wedding anytime soon or probably would just like to know everything about a Muslim wedding, then we’ve got all the right captures to show you all that happens during the functions.

Muslims across the country come from all different backgrounds and cities, and this is the reason their customs and traditions would be unique and specific to the region. Right from the pre-wedding to post-wedding functions, there are a number of rituals that take place.

So, here’s what to expect from a Muslim wedding.

The wedding begins with the pre-wedding functions that include the Mangni (engagement ceremony), Manjha (Haldi ceremony), Mehendi, Sachaq, the family of the groom would send clothes and jewellery for the bride. The bride would have to wear this during the wedding day.

The wedding day functions include the Nikah, the main wedding ceremony where the couple would sit down before a priest and there would be some verses read out from the Holy Quran. The couple would have to agree to the marriage and then sign the binding contract. And this doesn’t end here, because there are post-wedding functions too.

The post-wedding functions include Rukhsat, where the bride bids farewell to her family and is welcomed to her new home. Her mother-in-law would gift her the Holy Quran. The last function would be the Walimyah, a party that’s hosted by the groom’s family. Family and friends would get together to wish the couple.

Now that you’ve learnt about all the different functions and what to expect from a Muslim wedding, let’s just unfold the beautiful Muslim marriage images that are simply breathtaking. Enjoy!

When she puts on her shoes!

Image Courtesy: Memoirz Photo Cinema

One of the best captures of any wedding day is the bride and groom showing off their wedding attire. And this includes the dress, shoes and even those stunning accessories and jewellery. Muslim weddings have this too! And this Muslim marriage image is captured beautifully showing the bride putting on those stunning pair of shoes. Right from the colour of the outfit to the shoes, we have to say this bride has worked hard on getting her wedding look together.

Haldi all the way!

Image Courtesy: Memoirz Photo Cinema

If you’re someone who always thought that the Haldi ceremony only happens in Hindu weddings, then you’re totally wrong! It happens in Muslim traditions too. Check out Muslim marriage images just like this to get an idea of how it’s done. Just like the Hindu ceremony where yellow is the colour of the day, it’s the colour for Muslim Haldi ceremonies as well. All these pretty ladies are well colour-coordinated with their outfits and we have to say they did a very good job with it!

Smile Please!

Image Courtesy: Irfan Younas Photography

Just like any other wedding, getting some amazing natural captures during the wedding is important. And this couple hasn’t forced this one for sure. We have to say it’s captured beautifully and is just so natural! The smiles on their face prove that this couple is definitely happy about making the marriage move!

With the pretty ladies

Plush Affairs

Muslim marriage images like these are perfect and fabulous to look at. This bride is posing happily with these beautiful ladies. So, whether it’s your sisters or even your best friends, posing with the girl gang is a must for any wedding. And of course, the grooms need to do the same with the boy gang too! After all, every wedding album needs those pretty and handsome faces shining through!

Showing off her ring

Image Courtesy: Asad Farooq Photography

Not all Muslim weddings have a ring ceremony, but if you’re attending one where there will be an exchange of rings, then Muslim marriage images would definitely have a picture taken of the bride showing off her ring.

When the groom gets ready!

Image Courtesy: Asad Farooq Photography

The next one on the list of Muslim marriage images is the groom getting ready. Why should the bride get all the attention? After all, it’s a day for both – the bride and the groom, so equal attention needs to be given to both, right? This is an amazing capture of the groom getting all dressed and ready for his big day.

Signing the binding contract

Image Courtesy: K Bridals

This is a must when it comes to Muslim marriage images. A very important part of any Muslim wedding, the signing of the binding contract has to be captured. This is one of the most important things of any Muslim wedding and after the Nikah ceremony, the bride and the groom has to sign this contract, no matter what!

All smiles!

Image Courtesy: Irfan Younas Photography

This is another great capture that makes it to this list of awesome Muslim marriage images. They say, “The best clicks are when you are taken by surprise.” And this capture says just that. This bride is caught off guard, but we have to say, it’s a beautiful smile after all!

The grand reception

Image Courtesy: Irfan Younas Photography

Muslim weddings are known for all the glitter and shine, and we can see why. The stage decoration done for this Muslim wedding is all things glamorous and stunning. Right from the flowers in the backdrop to the flower vases and of course the stylish couple, Muslim marriage images like these are worth seeing! Don’t you think?

The pretty Muslim bride

Image Courtesy: Irfan Younas Photography

Muslim brides dress to perfection. Take a look at this gorgeous Muslim bride who is simply perfect. Right from her outfit to her makeup and Maang Tikka, everything is absolutely stunning.

The emotional goodbye!

Image Courtesy: Umbreen & Ibrahim Photography

After all the fun, laughter and excitement, it’s time for the bride to leave her home and family. And capturing a moment like this cannot be missed at all. Muslim marriage images like this surely bring tears to the eyes. It certainly brings back memories of your day too if you’re a married woman who experienced a touching moment like this on your wedding day.

Picture Perfect

Image Courtesy: K Bridals

Searching up fantastic Muslim marriage images? Here is a good one for you. Classy, romantic and perfect, this couple have done it right by posing in the best way possible for some fantastic wedding day clicks.

When they walk down the aisle

Image Courtesy: K Bridals

This is a lovely picture of the Muslim couple walking down the aisle, while the guests welcome them. The venue decoration is beautiful and makes the whole place light up, making the Muslim marriage images look breathtaking.

What are you looking at?

Image Courtesy: K Bridals

This is a Muslim bride acting cool on her Mehndi function day. Her cool and fashionable getup is something to check out. Right from her attire to the stylish glares she is wearing, this bride has definitely killed it!

One with the family!

Image Courtesy: Photography JAS by Junaid Ali Shaikh

No wedding is complete without getting some good captures with family and friends, and Muslim weddings are no different. This is a fabulous picture of all the friends captured in one frame. Amazing!

Just married!

Image Courtesy: Photography JAS by Junaid Ali Shaikh

If you’re having a cool and classy car to drive to the venue, then an awesome capture like this is definitely necessary. This couple looks awesome sitting in their wedding car that’s well decorated with beautiful flowers.

These were some of the best Muslim marriage images we thought of sharing with you. Apart from the delicious food that’s served at Muslim weddings, the planning and preparation for a Muslim wedding involve a lot of time and hard work.

It’s a time when the whole family gets together to plan one of the best functions in the family. Also, there’s a lot that’s put into coming up with the best wedding attire for all the functions as well.

Hope you liked these Muslim marriage images that we’ve shared with you.

If you do and would like some help in planning a Muslim wedding, then get in touch with our wedding vendors for the same.