11 Beautiful & Meaningful New Year's Resolution for Couples
Usher this New Year with these beautiful & meaningful resolutions for couples. Read on to know more!

2020 has been a hectic year for most. We are sure you cannot wait to usher 2021 with absolute zeal and positivity. Another fun and exciting part that we look forward to every year is the new year resolutions. It is absolute fun to sit down with your partner on an evening with your favourite drinks poured into your glasses and mellow music in the background while you and your better half plan what new year resolution you want to make as a couple.
To make your task easier, we have jotted down 11 New Year's resolutions that will help you maintain a healthy and wealthy relationship with your partner while you steer through 2021 and life in general!
Repeat after us...
We will become the fittest versions of ourselves

With 2020 being a year of the pandemic, we know how important it is to take care of our health. This is exactly why becoming the fittest version of yourselves is extremely important. Your first and foremost resolution for 2021 should be to work towards becoming fitter than you are right now. Be it hitting the gym together or opting for yoga classes or even simple morning runs with healthy eating, fitness should now come first for you as a couple.
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We will not let stress get to us

Stress has been a mood-killer for many millennial couples. Stress from work, stress from planning day-to-day lives, stress from a postponed wedding, and so on can be a hindrance for real. You must consciously decide to not let stress be a factor of distraction in both of your lives. Let 2021 be the year when you work towards having a healthier and more peaceful life.
We will spend more time together

With the pandemic looming around, almost everyone has had the chance to work from the safety and comfort of their homes. For some couples, this has been an eye-opening experience that the regular modern lives of work and other engagements hinder upon. 2021 should be the year you both actively decide to spend more time together and follow that religiously. There is no other adhesive like time when it comes to keeping two people together.
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We will plan our finances better
Image Courtesy: House On The Clouds
For a newly married couple, or for the couple who is planning to start a family together, finances play a very significant role. One of your new year's resolution must include planning your finances better. From the daily expenditures to your long term saving plans - 2021 should be the year that you start planning your finances better together.
We will plan more trips together

Trips are always a great plan. However, due to work and other commitments, making time for trips can be a little challenging. This is why you need a new year's resolution as a couple to plan more trips together and actively carry them forward without a miss. This will also be a great way to spend quality time together while being able to explore new places.
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We will do what we love (more)

This could be a couple's resolution as well as an individual one. There are things that you both love - cycling, painting, reading, baking and so on. A resolution that requires you to do these things all the more - be it together or separately, must be a part of your 2021 resolution. These activities provide you with quality time for yourself as well as mental peace to take life one day at a time.
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We will strive for emotional stability
Image Courtesy: Shashank Issar
Emotional stability plays a very significant role in every relationship and is a must-have for every couple. To help you steer through the difficult times with strength and to tackle the good ones in the best ways possible while supporting each other throughout, you will need to be emotionally stable and on the same page. Striving for emotional stability together is a resolution you must follow religiously for a healthy and happy life together.
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We will appreciate the smaller things more

It is not always about bigger incidents. Even the smallest of actions and gestures sometimes matter the most. Be it the morning tea that the mister made before you woke up on a Sunday, or the fresh flowers the missus put on your study table - IT MATTERS! It is very important to appreciate these gestures and be vocal about it. In fact, take time out to tell each other how glad you are for the other person's efforts. Start with the resolution, make it a habit!
We will break a bad habit together
Image Courtesy: Snapsoul
To err is human and of all the vices that one is made of, you can slowly get rid of some if not all. One small step at a time - start with one bad habit that each one of you has and work towards breaking this bad habit. It could be watching too much television, scrolling on your phone and so many other things on the list. Take a new year's couple resolution to get rid of at least one of your vices in 2021, but the more the merrier.
We will practice more positive conversation

Positive conversation plays a very healthy role in maintaining relationships. Be it a small chat over dinner, or a soothing conversation in the evening while you sip your tea - try to get into a habit of a lifestyle that involves more positive conversations between you two as a couple.
We will take up a "Project" together

A project does not necessarily have to be a huge one like building a house, it could be small ones like learning baking together or going to wine and painting classes. Take up a project together to explore new opportunities and nothing better than doing it together.
New Year's resolutions do not have to be your 5-year plans. They can be small steps - because it matters. Make sure to jot down your new year's resolutions and maybe frame it and stick it on your bedroom wall or your fridge door. Follow it as much as your lifestyle and time allow and see your relationship change for good!
Did you finalise your new year's resolution yet? Let us know in the comments below!