Pre-Wedding Photos Tips for Camera Shy Brides and Grooms to Look Less Awkward & More Flawless
Are you someone who freezes in front of the camera? Do you find posing for pre-wedding photos difficult? Well if you cancel the photo shoot you might end up hurting your partner. So let us give you tips that will help you loosen up.

Pre-wedding photo shoots are extremely common these days. We hardly hear couples skipping it, and those that do still get most of their candid photos shot during their wedding. But what about our camera shy brides and grooms? How do you think they manage to get through it without making their pre-wedding photos look awkward?
Even if you are able to dodge a pre-wedding shoot you cannot get married without having a wedding album that has a lot of photographs of you. So we’d suggest you stop hiding from cameras and start learning how to dodge the shyness. We know some super effective tips that can help you pose like a pro in your pre-wedding photos. Want to know how? Well, read ahead.
Tips to Camera Shy Brides/Grooms for Their Pre Wedding Photos

1. Find the Perfect Photographer
While couples usually choose to contact photographers over the phone and take their price quotes, see their work on social media and make a choice. However, we believe the photographer adds a lot of value to the pre-wedding photos and therefore it is important that you meet them in person before finalising who you want to go ahead with. It is important for couples to know the photographer’s thoughts, discuss ideas and come to terms with each other’s expectations. Pre-wedding photos are an extremely personal and intimate part of the wedding that also requires the bride and groom to be comfortable around the photographer and his team.
2. Choose a Comfortable Location

If you or your partner are camera shy, the first thing you need to do is to be comfortable with the idea of getting pre-wedding photos clicked. For couples that have one or both camera shy partners must avoid choosing a location that is out of their comfort zone. A place that makes you or partner anxious is sure to not get the best out of you in photographs as well. Just how someone who is scared of heights would not choose hilltops for their pre-wedding photos, in the same way, a camera shy person must be photographed in his comfort zone like their garden or the farmhouse. A trusting atmosphere will not only make you less embarrassed but also help you work around the shyness.
3. Keep Smiling as Optional
Many times it is not the camera that makes a bride/groom shy but the smiling in front of the camera that is the reason for their awkwardness. A lot of brides and grooms feel that their face does not look good on camera especially when they are made to smile. Some people haven’t figured their camera smile yet and end up making an odd face in their pre-wedding photos. The best solution to all these problems is capturing candid moments between you and your partner that may or may not capture your full face.
Choose shots that are taken from angles that don’t show your face if you are extremely shy smiling at the camera. After you manage to get the initial few shots without your face maybe you will get more comfortable around the setup to include the face in the shot with natural expressions omitting the awkward smile.
4. Have Fun with Your Camera Averse Partner

If you have recently broken the news of your pre-wedding shoot to your camera-averse partner, there is a chance he/she is freaking out right now. Well, it is normal for them to react this way. How you can make the situation better is by making them comfortable at the time of the shoot. Talk to them, divert their mind and just have fun during your pre-wedding shoot. This will not only keep them at ease but also make the atmosphere lighter. Some inside jokes and some goofiness is what will reflect true happiness in your pre-wedding photos as well.
5. Don’t Overdo It
While we know how crazy people are to get their dream pre-wedding photos clicked, it is important that they remember to be comfortable in whatever style they choose. Whether it is a beach shoot or a casual living room frame if you or your partner aren’t comfortable with what you’re wearing or what you’re made to do then your pre-wedding photos are sure to reflect the discomfort. Therefore, choose something comfortable and something that really defines you as a couple as it could also make the shoot much easier even if you are camera shy.
6. Trust Your Photographer

Once you’ve made your mind over who you want as your wedding photographer, wedding videographer, trust him to do his job well. A good photographer will be cautious of a camera shy bride or groom and make sure that he instructs you point by point taking the pressure off your shoulders and making you more comfortable for the shoot. Your photographer will also have a great eye for using a variety of focal lengths and shoot wide-angle ranges that will not just capture the entire view of the location but also remove the pressure of close-ups off you.
These above-mentioned tips are surely going to help camera shy brides or grooms to get comfortable for their pre-wedding photos. But it is also important for your partner to understand your discomfort and make alterations that will not just comfort you but also ensure that the photos look much better than it would otherwise. Just like a marriage, your pre-wedding photos are going to be a result of both you and your partner’s energies coming together. So we’d suggest you make it worthwhile.
Are you a camera shy bride or groom? Tell us in comments how you dodged the tricky situation and posed for your pre-wedding photos.