Super Fun Shoe Game Questions to Ask Your Partner!
Planning the shoe game for one of your pre-wedding events? Here's a list of interesting shoe game questions to make it exciting for those attending.

Weddings are all about fun and festivities blended well with your families' traditions, rituals, beautiful ceremonies and blessings. The merriment and happy moments spent with your loved ones are transformed into loving memories you can cherish throughout life. Did you know your dream wedding can be made all the more exuberant and unforgettable if you add some wedding game ideas to the itinerary?
The shoe game concept is directly inspired by and derived from Western wedding celebrations, and believe it or not, the game is very much in trend in India, too. While the couple answers amusing questions about each other, it can be rather enjoyable for all the wedding guests, who cheer and hoot as they watch the couple unravel fun secrets and facts about each other while being impressively competitive!
In this article:
2. Rules to Play the Shoe Game
3. Who Asks the Shoe Game Questions?
4. When Is the Best Time to Play the Shoe Game?
5. Funny Questions for Wedding Shoe Game
6. Couple-Centric Shoe Game Questions
7. Bride and Groom Shoe Game Questions (His or Her)
8. How to Make the Shoe Game Fun and Memorable?
Want to amp up the quirk quotient at your wedding ceremonies? An exciting round of show game questions can be your perfect solution. Let's dive in to know all we can about the show game - the kind of questions, the rules and how to win it with flying colours. May the shoes be ever in your favour!
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What is a Shoe Game?
Image Courtesy: Deepak Thomas
- Two chairs are placed back to back, and the couple is seated facing away from each other so that they can't look at each other directly while answering a question—there is no scope for cheating!
- The couple has to exchange one shoe from each other’s footwear to hold a bridal shoe in one hand, and the groom's in another.
- The host starts asking questions the couple can only answer by raising a shoe. If the answer is bride, you can raise the bride's shoe and vice versa.
- The audience's reaction can also be roped in when the host asks for comments from family members or friends to share their opinion on the couple's answer. The easiest way to include the guests is to give them the placards of the bride and groom’s face/name.
- Your shoe game questions should ideally last 10-15 minutes to engross all the guests and keep them entertained. Asking 60-70 questions in one go can make the game lose its charm and become boring.
Rules to Play the Shoe Game

Shoe game questions have become a popular part of wedding games that many millennials choose for their festivities. It will not only be an exciting activity to add to your pre-wedding ceremonies but will also become a beautiful memory to cherish and laugh at years down the line. While you are planning your list for shoe game questions, it's not necessary that the game has to be played with shoes. Some couples have opted for placards with His or Her written on them or even ones with their faces on them! If you plan to organise a shoe game at your wedding, there are a few things you need to consider that will help you understand it better.
Who Asks Shoe Game Questions?

You are choosing the right person to lead your shoe game and ask the questions. The right host will make the game more entertaining and intriguing and maintain energetic interactions with the audience. To add the right bit of quirkiness and flavour to your wedding festivities, you should pick a people person who is comfortable on stage and can ensure everyone else is having a good time. You can also pick a professional Emcee or someone from your friends or family.
When Is the Best Time to Play the Shoe Game?
Photography: My Wedding Diary
The perfect time to roll out the ball for your shoe game questions is at your pre-wedding functions. Be it your Roka ceremony, Mehendi, or sangeet night; the shoe game will be a crowd-pleaser. As you will be busy attending the rituals and guests on your wedding day, pre-wedding ceremonies make for a perfect time to play the shoe game and bask in the warmth of the love and blessings of your dear ones all around. Your pre-wedding festivities have the perfect vibe for fun, and playing exciting rounds of the shoe game will be an enthralling experience for all. We guarantee!
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Funny Questions for Wedding Shoe Game
Image courtesy - Pinterest
Like a pro, bring back fun to your wedding ceremonies. Make your list of shoe game questions more interesting by adding a few funny questions that all your guests will enjoy.
1. Who was the cooler college kid?
2. Who’s more self-obsessed?
3. Who cooks better Maggi?
4. Who is grumpier in the morning?
5. Who burps more?
6. Who is the bigger baby when sick?
7. Who farts more? OR Who farts louder?
8. Who has the worst road rage?
9. Who’s the crazy one?
10. Who’s more likely to get arrested?
11. Who swears more?
12. Who will act crazier after getting drunk?
13. Who talks the most?
14. Who is more likely to dream about their breakfast?
15. Who’s more likely to scream at the sight of a spider?
16. Who takes the longest showers?
17. Who’s a picky eater?
18. Who’s more likely to kick the other one off the bed?
19. Who takes up more than half of the bed?
20. Who was nervous on the first date?
21. Who is the better dancer?
22. Who is more unromantic?
23. Who is more likely to dramatise the scene/situation?
24. Who takes the longest to get ready?
25. Who is more likely to hit after being drunk?
26. Who paid on the first date?
27. Who eats more chocolate?
28. Who is clumsier?
29. Who is a conversation starter after the fight?
30. Who hates going to the kitchen?
31. Who was shyer when the relationship started?
32. Who is a better mimicker?
33. Who has a habit of speaking in their sleep?
34. Who is good at organising parties?
35. Who is the worst driver?
36. Who spends more time window shopping?
37. Who is more outgoing?
38. Who is friendlier?
39. Who is more dominating in the relationship?
40. Who skips bathing the most?
41. Who can’t wake up without bed tea?
42. Who is more likely to max out their credit card?
43. Whose phone has more passwords?
44. Who likes flaunting more?
45. Whose shoe stinks the most?
46. Who screams more while watching horror movies?
47. Who is a better bathroom singer?
48. Who tends to forget/miss their essentials, like keys/wallets/cards?
49. Who forgets important dates, like birthdays, anniversaries etc. more?
50. And lastly, who loves more?
Couple-Centric Shoe Game Questions
Image courtesy - Pinterest
Your shoe game questions can be embarrassing or cute, but they tell a lot about your personality, daily routines and habits. Some entertaining show game questions to include in your list are:
1. Who has the best taste in music?
2. Who is more romantic?
3. Who’s more short-tempered?
4. Who was the first to fall in love?
5. Who is more organised?
6. Who shops more?
7. Who has the best taste in fashion?
8. Who was the first to ask for the date?
9. Who is more likely to keep a secret?
10. Who cries more during movies?
11. Who uses their phone the most?
12. Who’s more stubborn?
13. Who is more adventurous?
14. Who’s a bigger party animal?
15. Who wakes up earlier?
16. Who’d rather stay in on a weekend than go out?
17. Who’s more likely to get a traffic ticket?
18. Who is a control freak?
19. Who takes care of things around the house better?
20. Who is a better cook?
21. Who exercises more?
22. Who has the bigger sweet tooth?
23. Who snores louder?
24. Who says ‘I love you’ more often?
25. Who’s calmer during a fight?
26. Who’s more likely to plan a date night?
27. Who apologises first after a fight?
28. Who gets along better with the other’s family?
29. Who’s more likely to start an argument?
30. Who is funnier?
31. Who is the flirtier one?
32. Who chooses where you go for dinner?
33. Who has the best taste in films?
34. Whose decision will likely take over the other?
35. Who always thinks they are right?
36. Who looks better today?
37. Who’s never on time?
38. Who’s more mindful of the expenses?
39. Who’s more ambitious & a workaholic?
40. Who has the bigger wardrobe?
41. Who told their family about their relationship first?
42. Who looks after the pets more?
43. Who pays the bills?
44. Who is more creative?
45. Who’s more likely to stay late at work?
46. Who loves reading the most?
47. Who is more serious?
48. Who gives more gifts?
49. Who is more honest?
50. Who is more foodie?
Bride and Groom Shoe Game Questions (His or Her)
Photography: Ashwin Kireet Photography
Indian weddings are full of rituals but also about bringing people together, creating memories, and having fun. The His or Her Shoe Game is a great way to lighten the mood amidst all the solemn ceremonies. It offers a relaxed, pleasant break where guests and the couple laugh and enjoy the moment. The His or Her Shoe Game is a lighthearted, humorous game where the bride and groom sit back-to-back, each holding one of their shoes and one of their partner’s shoes. The host or emcee asks a series of fun questions, and the couple has to answer by raising the shoe of the person who best fits the answer. The bride and groom show game questions, His or Her version, also provides a platform to reveal some of those quirky traits of the bride and groom that everyone may not know. It's a chance for their personalities to shine and for guests to see how well they know each other. It also serves as an opportunity for them to joke about those little things that make relationships unique Choose from our list of His and Her questions to add more fun to your wedding games.
1. Who is more likely to forget an anniversary?
2. Who spends more time on their phone?
3. Who is the better cook?
4. Who is more likely to get lost while driving?
5. Who takes longer to get ready?
6. Who is more likely to sing in the shower?
7. Who is the bigger procrastinator?
8. Who is more likely to binge-watch a series in one sitting?
9. Who is more likely to cry during a movie?
10. Who is the bigger neat freak?
11. Who has the better sense of humour?
12. Who is more likely to start a spontaneous road trip?
13. Who is more likely to plan a surprise date?
14. Who is the bigger spender?
15. Who is more likely to make up a song on the spot?
16. Who is more of a morning person?
17. Who has the better taste in music?
18. Who is more likely to leave dishes in the sink?
19. Who is more likely to get a tattoo first?
20. Who is the better driver?
21. Who is more likely to lose their keys?
22. Who is the biggest coffee addict?
23. Who is more likely to steal the blankets at night?
24. Who is more likely to talk to their pet like a human?
25. Who is more likely to attempt a DIY project?
26. Who is more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
27. Who is more likely to tell a secret?
28. Who is the biggest fan of cheesy romance movies?
29. Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie?
30. Who is more likely to eat dessert for breakfast?
31. Who is more likely to forget to put gas in the car?
32. Who is more likely to dress up their pet?
33. Who is more likely to attempt a weird food combination?
34. Who is more likely to plan the best date night?
35. Who is more likely to write love notes?
36. Who is the first to say "I love you"?
37. Who is more likely to make breakfast in bed?
38. Who is more likely to apologize first after an argument?
39. Who is more likely to take charge of household chores?
40. Who is more likely to surprise the other with flowers?
41. Who is more likely to plan a romantic getaway?
42. Who remembers the little things better?
43. Who is more likely to say “let’s just stay in” on a Saturday night?
44. Who is more likely to dance like nobody's watching?
45. Who is more likely to start a random conversation with a stranger?
How to Make a Shoe Game Enjoyable?
Image Courtesy: Shikha Vala
Though your list of shoe game questions can lead to a fun-filled evening for you and your guests, there are many ways to keep the entire game more interesting.
- Try keeping the guests involved as much as possible by asking them to write impromptu questions.
- All shoe game questions should relate to the couple's lives.
- Ensure that your shoe game questions shouldn't have too embarrassing questions for the couple or hurt anyone's feelings.
- Keep your shoe game questions at hand to begin the game as a rapid-fire round.
- Try including as many fun and exciting questions as possible to keep the game light and entertaining for everyone.
- The shoe game questions you choose should make sense to your relationship.
- Lastly, have immense fun and create lasting memories with your loved ones.
- Lastly, make sure the show game questions are a fun window of opportunity for everyone to know you better as a couple and celebrate your love even more dearly.
Wedding games are a fantastic way to keep guests entertained and occupied and enjoy your festivities. The intent for adding such fun and quirky plans to your ceremonies is not to be competitive (though you can choose to be fully fierce, too!), but it is mainly for you to focus on the good times spent together. Your shoe game questions can be funny, romantic, or partly embarrassing, but it also flaunts how much you know about your partner. A perfect wedding venue for your celebrations can help you plan fun-filled games for intimate weddings. You can hire the best wedding planners to help you organise your festivities while creating an incredible list of shoe game questions. Add hilarious shoe game questions to your list and make it more interesting!
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