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Pro Tips for Any Wedding Guest Who Wants to Leave a Good Impression on the Family Who Invited You

Being a wedding guest is not as easy as it seems. If you’ve been invited to a wedding, here are a few handy tips to keep in mind for being a good guest. Read on, take a cue and get going!

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How to be a good wedding guest? Seems like a nonchalant question. Well, let us tell you that it's not. It is a real thing. It matters how you present yourself and behave as a wedding guest. Attending marriage parties is a fun way to rekindle old friendships and bonds. Meeting your friends after all those years. You might be at a loss of words considering how many years it has been since you last saw each other. But, don't worry. It happens to the best of us. These are some useful tips for a wedding guest to take a cue from to make a good impression. 

Read on to find out what they are.

1. Receiving the invite


Once you’ve received a formal invitation to the event, mark the date on your calendar. Give yourself a few days and then decide whether you can attend the ceremony and also if it will be possible for you to show up for every event in the marriage timeline you’ve been invited for. Don’t leave this for later since most couples do tend to stress over the guest list in order to make sure all the arrangements are done on time. Ensure that you let the couple know your decision and even if something comes up last-minute, make it a rule to inform them instead of simply not turning up for the wedding. Whether you decide to let them know via a phone call or send a text or anything else, just inform them about your plans.

2. Your wedding wardrobe

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It’s, of course, a good idea to stick to traditional finery for the occasion. Do consider avoiding anything too flashy or too controversial because you don’t want the couple to get upset on their big day. Consider the venue and the weather before settling on your outfit shopping. If you’re confused or not sure about the rules, you can ask an older family member for help and information. You can also turn to fashion sites and magazines for inspiration and advice.

3. The ceremony


Don’t show up late for the event. Be polite and leave for the venue on time, and ensure that you double check the location and get directions in advance. While you don’t need to subscribe to any religious notions if you don’t want to, it’s thoughtful to follow the lead of the wedding guests and stand up when everyone else does or shower the couple with flowers during the ceremony if you’re handed out a bunch of flowers along with everyone else. Avoid only showing up for the reception if you’re invited to both the events and make some time to witness the couple getting married.

4. The reception

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This is relatively more casual and will allow you to talk to the couple. Do queue up if there’s a stage and greet the couple and congratulate them once you reach the venue. Don’t keep this for later. It’s also a great idea to mingle and talk about your connection with the couple instead of only sticking to people you already know. Even if you’re starving, don’t head straight to the food counter and wait for things to settle a little and follow seating arrangements if there are any. Do make space for other wedding guests at wedding buffets and food bar and don’t leave as soon as you’re done. It’s acceptable to leave sometime after dinner but make sure you let the couple’s parents or someone else know.

Bonus Tips:

  1. If a wedding hashtag is mentioned in the invitation, make sure you use it for the wedding pictures. Since we have so many smartphones at any wedding, the actual number of photos from the wedding surpasses the ones captured by the photographer by a huge number. Help the couple get everything in one place by simply using the hashtag.   
  2. Does any of the events of the wedding mention a dress code? If so, make sure you adhere to it while attending the event which will also save you from the embarrassment of looking out of place.
  3. Carry a wedding gift along. It is only polite to carry a gift or cash envelope when attending a wedding. If the invitation mentions a certain wedding registry, choose your gift accordingly. 
  4. It is understandable for the couple to be busy with all the meet-and-greets. When it is your turn, try not to take too much time and remember that you can always meet afterwards.
  5. You have been invited to the wedding and the couple is really happy that you attended the wedding. Avoid spoiling the mood by criticising everything around you, rather just focus on enjoying yourself and having a gala time.

These are some basic and essential things that every wedding guest should be mindful of. Being invited to celebrate this new journey of your friend is nothing less than an honour. so, ensure you do everything in your might to be a splendid wedding guest who added more to this beautiful journey. 

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