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Wedding Postponed? Fun Ways to Celebrate the Original Wedding Date

Don’t let the jitters of postponing your wedding stop you from enlivening the most special day of your life. We share with you, sure-shot ways in which you can still celebrate your original wedding date.

CineLove Productions

More and more couples are moving past the thought of getting married if their weddings were scheduled during the Spring/Summer season. Weddings in the times of COVID-19 are not merely impossible but they’re just not the best thing to do. The reality is definitely harsh but given the situation of a global pandemic, acceptance is a virtue and WeddingWire India is proud of all the couples taking respective measures to bring the situation under control.

We know the feeling of not getting married on the originated date has also started to sink in, releasing a whiff of sadness in the air with each passing day. So, now that you’ve taken the gut-wrenching decision of postponing your wedding, we have a treat for you. How would you feel if we tell you that you can still celebrate your original wedding despite the world under a lockdown? Got you a wee bit excited, didn’t it? Knowing how stone heartedly you had to make this decision, we won’t let the happy jitters you had while countdown-ing for your D-Day fade away so easily. 

Therefore, we’ve fished out some of the best ways you can bid adieu to the wedding postponement blues and celebrate your original wedding date with utmost excitement and happiness. Trust us, this will be by far the most exciting day of lockdown for the two of you and of course your friends and families.

For Couples Connected Virtually

Get Dressed

No, we’re not kidding, remember the saying, “You can have anything you want if you dress for it”? You can really feel the butterflies which you would on your wedding day if you prepare yourself to feel that way. One of the best ways to begin to start feeling as if it's your actual wedding day is to look alive and put your best fashion foot forward. If you have your wedding attires with you, nothing like it, get wedding-ready without giving it a second thought. If not, slip into your best ethnic wear and doll yourself up with jewellery and makeup. Embrace the day, it might leave you a bit overwhelmed but you’re always going to remember it for the rest of your life.

Write e-Love Letters to Each Other

No matter if you’re an old-school lover or not, penning down your feelings for the person you love and want to spend a lifetime with is always worth a shot. And hey, you don’t have to be a writer to write a love letter. Scribble your feelings about anything and everything and express it to your partner. You can keep exchanging little notes throughout the day as a gesture of constant support and encouragement for each other.

Host a virtual party with your Wedding DJ

What’s a celebration without a DJ? Remember how we told you to help your wedding vendors get through these tough times? What better day than your OG wedding date to have him host a virtual party for you. Connect with all of your wedding guests over a conference video call and have a pseudo cocktail night. This will also give your guests a trailer of how your postponed wedding celebrations would look like. You can also perform your choreographed wedding performances to feel the essence of your wedding day to the fullest.

Have a Karaoke Night

Bathroom singers or not, a Karaoke Night is always a good idea. Prepare a list of your favourite songs, could be your wedding playlist too, and get ready for a Karaoke competition. Get on a video call with your would-be and sing your heart out free-spiritedly. You can always involve your siblings, cousins and friends to be a part of your celebration night.

For Couples Living Together

Bake a Cake Together

So what if you can’t cut your wedding cake, bake one together! Celebrations often feel incomplete without indulgence in desserts. So fetch for the simplest cake/cookies/brownies recipe, and get your aprons on. Don’t pick out anything fancy if you’re not a lot into baking. Get started with a simple vanilla or chocolate cake recipe, they’re pretty easy to prepare. 

Have your first wedding dance

Your wedding dance will always hold a special place in your heart and we suggest you tap a foot or two, just to fully embrace the day. Scout your living room furniture and make some space to twirl around in the arms of your partner. You can set the mood by dimming the lights and lighting some candles or fairy lights. Dancing is also a great way to lift your spirits and go with the flow of what this journey has to offer. Take your mind off any stress and just dance your heart out. 

Indulge in a Spa Night

Take your OG wedding day as the perfect excuse to unwind and relax. A little pampering goes a long way. With the world turned upside down, there’s nothing quite comforting than a good session of spa. Since you cannot step out for a spa date, set up one in the comfort of your home. Light some aromatic candles, take a shower together and switch off for the world.

Slip on your Wedding Rings

You’ve waited for a long time before you could start wearing your wedding rings, so if you can’t wait any further, slip on the ring onto each other’s fingers and call it a wedding in your hearts. Wearing your wedding rings will give you a lot of contentment and satisfaction. 

Get a Casual Photoshoot Done

Photographs are precious things and such occasions call for encapsulating memories into reels for everyone to cherish these moments in the future. You can flaunt your wedding rings and share a kiss as you pose for photos for your original wedding date. 

Whether you're staying together or are connected virtually, it’s all about having fun and ensuring that you and your partner along with the families are feeling content and not disoriented as before. Take this time to let the feeling of acceptance sink in a little deep and just be grateful for what comes your way. Remember, at all times that, “Love Is NOT Cancelled” and no matter how important your wedding date is, you will soon have a new one and that’s OKAY! For now, celebrate togetherness and love unabashedly.

How are you celebrating your original #ShaadiKiDate? Tell us in the comments below!