Play Time! 5 Wedding Anniversary Game Ideas To Add To Your Party
Throwing a fantastic anniversary party? Worried about how to make it interesting? Here is a list of fun wedding anniversary game ideas to take the entertainment dosage to another level!

Are you among the ultimate party hosts who care about the entertainment quotient at their parties? Or you belong to the category of hosts who constantly struggle to make their party rocking? Even if you are hosting an anniversary party for the first time in life, we have got you covered. Below are the most iconic wedding anniversary game ideas which will set the party mood and give your guests a time of their life. Make the most of the games which are easy to set up and easier to understand.
The anniversary party is an ideal time to remind all your lovely guest couples of their wedding day through several rituals or Shaadi games which have been a part of their wedding functions. Taken from a mix of wedding rituals are these ideas for wedding anniversary game which shall help you make the most of the much-awaited anniversary bash. Whether you are throwing it for yourself or you are a thoughtful son or daughter planning it for your parents, these wedding anniversary game ideas will be the star of the evening.
1. That romantic paper dance

Imagine how will all the couples of the family look, romantically dancing on square papers, looking absolutely adorable. Some would smile and shy away from the audience gaze, others, on the other hand, would be having a very romantic moment staring deep into each other’s eyes.
All the couples spread all around the room or the hall, bright colourful papers spread on the floor, isn’t it the perfect romantic setting for an ideal anniversary party? Indeed an ideal wedding anniversary game for the celebration of togetherness.
How to play this wedding anniversary game?
Make each couple in the house stand on a normal sized square sheet of paper. Choose fluorescent coloured sheets to add to the playful vibe of the party. Get one little Shehzada or Shehzadi to control the music, just like musical chairs. Ask the coordinator to randomly stop the music.
Each time the music replays, each couple is supposed to fold their sheets into half until there is no more space left to dance on. Partners can hold each other, dance on toes or stand on each other’s feet. The lovely couple who stays till the last wins!
2. Find that ring
Image courtesy: The Kapoors on Instagram
Do you remember your wedding rituals? If you are an unmarried child hosting a party for parents then try to recall your elder cousin’s wedding. The one little tradition where the husband and wife compete to find the ring from a large bowl of milk. Those elegant hands with chura and mehndi, having a fun tussle, while with another hand with a dash of mehndi and is a little conscious, being very careful to not hurt the other delicate hand.
This cute wedding anniversary game symbolises facing a challenge together. Some even believe that the partner who wins two out of three rounds dominates the relationship. Let us find out how far does that hold true. Shall we?
How to play this wedding anniversary game?
Collect a good number of bigger bowls or Paraats from your you’re your neighbours’) kitchen. Keep one in front of every wonderful couple who has come to attend your lovely wedding anniversary party. Now, fill each of the containers with enough amount of water to dip and submerge one’s hands in (at least the fingers).
Just use the tap water just in the quantity required, don’t waste much water. Add about 2-3 spoons of milk in the water, you may add till the water becomes somewhat between translucent and opaque and the hands can’t be seen. Now submerge a coin into each container and let’s see who finds it first.
3. Wifey push up
Image courtesy: Mayur Bhanage Photography
Doesn’t this couple photo capture immense love, joy and trust that the couple enjoys in each other’s company? Organising something like this is a wonderful way to transform the anniversary party into a gymming competition. This wedding anniversary game is ideal for young couples of anniversary parties. Your parents must not feel left out in the fun on their own anniversary, so avoid choosing this for their party.
How to play this wedding anniversary game?
The lovely couple game is as simple and fun as it looks. Get all the participating couples on the carpet. The stronger or bulkier partner can take the perfect push-up position. Ask the other partner to sit cross-legged on top of the partner ready for the ultimate push-up challenge of his/her life.
As usual, get a coordinator to start counting right after the whistle. The couple who manages to sustain till the last wins the challenge! Kindly do not force the ones who don’t want to participate or are not very confident with their strength. It is more ideal for the anniversary party thrown for your gym squad.
4. Check your compatibility by raising the shoe

The ritual of stealing away the groom’s shoes is apparently the most popular shoe-ritual that you would have heard of. Here is another very interesting one which is believed to be the ultimate test of compatibility among the newlyweds. Why not check the compatibility of the star couple of the evening after all the time and years that they have spent together.
It is a great opportunity to tease them with their knowledge of each other’s likes and dislikes. Just judge for yourself if somebody is doing too bad in the game, pass the poor soul slight hints to save him/her the embarrassment and consequent disappointment.
How to play this wedding anniversary game?
Make the partners exchange their shoes while they are seated with their backs facing each other. They can either wear them or hold them in hand. A set of about 25-30 personal questions are listed and the supposed conductor of the game is supposed to ask the questions to both of them together.
Say, the question is, “Who is lazier to get up early?” If the answer is the groom and both of them must show the groom’s shoe in the air, then both of them get that point. By the end of the entire set of questions, the partner with maximum points wins the shoe match. If the gathering is of young, like-minded friends then you can include personal questions as well. This is going to be fun!
5. The anniversary Jenga

Image courtesy: James Lianne on Instagram
Honestly, Jenga is one of the simplest yet most underrated games of all. It is quite popular as a wedding game in Western countries. With the level of interest and excitement it builds up, not just among the players but also the spectators, it is a marvellous choice. For the same reason, it becomes a very entertaining wedding anniversary game.
Jenga as a wedding anniversary game is ideal for smaller familial gatherings planning to have wine, cake and lots of fun on the wedding anniversary of the adorable couples. You may get the teams divided and the Jenga war is all ready to unleash its heavy dosage of entertainment.
How to play this wedding anniversary game?
Based on the family game of the Scotts, founded by a fantastic woman named Leslie is this fabulous game which is being showered with love for decades together. Building blocks which are light in weight, consistent in shape and wooden in the base are used to make an on-going linear pyramid of sorts. Are you ready to try it?
The structure builds on the upward (of the base) and what one has to do to win is save the structure being built by falling. Both the people take turns to add one block each till one unlucky block leads to the falling of the entire structure. The keeper of the unfortunate last block loses. It is definitely a package of entertainment and you won’t believe the amount of tension it builds. With the World Cup 2019 going on, it might as well challenge the India versus Afghanistan match!
Now that you have all the exciting ideas for the ultimate wedding anniversary game listed right before you on your screen, you are all set to take that anniversary party plan forward. Whether it is the shoe game, the ring finder, the push-up game or the paper dance wedding anniversary game, you are always welcome to add your own desi twist. For example, you may replace the shoes with two different coloured shots. You can replace the water and milk with a more vibrant mix of liquids. Things might not always be competitive but it may leave innumerable smiles, memories and laughter for all the family and well-wishers.
It is finally time to extract something extremely exciting out of your creative juices and with the hints for the possible anniversary games, mould something unique and entertaining for the gathering at your anniversary get together. At the end of the day, it is your effort that will make all the difference. Anything done with immense love touches the hearts of people. All the best and I wish the lovely couple innumerable years of health, love and togetherness!
What do you think about anniversary parties in general? We would love to know how you like to celebrate your anniversary. Leave a comment below.