Expert Advice: Medical Tests Every to-be-married Couple Must Get
Kundli matched? Great! But, don't ignore each other's health conditions too. Warm-up to your partner about your medical history and get the following tests done. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Right now getting married to the chosen one may be the only thing circling your mind. But, believe us, there is more to getting married than just this. We are sure at the time when the Rishta Wasn't Pakka you and your family must have dug deeper to find out everything about your spouse-to-be and the family. With the Kundlis matched and a subsequent background check of your partner, you must, we insist you MUST also get the clarity on each other's health both physical and mental.
Therefore, make an informed decision and don't be blindsided - there is a reason why they say, it is better to be prepared than sorry. We enlist a few medical tests every couple must undergo before they tie the knot.
Medical Tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
There is no shame in getting tested for STDs. On the contrary, every couple before tying the knot or even otherwise must always undergo a series of tests to keep a check on their sexual health. The problem with having a disease such as this one is that it is first life-threatening in the case of HIV and AIDS and the cases of herpes, syphilis, and gonorrhea - these diseases also out your future offsprings at risk.
Which Tests To Get Done?
- Blood Tests
- Urine Tests
Medical Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections are also commonly found occurrences, often treatable when detected with time. So, make sure the two of you undergo a panel of tests for these as well.
Which Tests To Get Done?
- Blood Tests
- Urine Tests
- Swabs of mouth/sores
Medical Tests for Fertility/Infertility
If you want kids, then this is definitely for you. Have your partner undergo fertility tests. We agree that thanks to medical sciences now conceiving despite all odds is possible, but it tends to be scarring for the couple in some cases. Not to mention the expense these treatments bare.
Which Tests To Get Done?
- Blood tests to determine hormonal levels (FSH, TSH, and LH, Prolactin) and AMH levels for women
- A semen test to check fertility, ultrasound and hormone testing for males
Medical Tests for Blood Grouping
Rh factor is an inherited protein that is found on the surface of our red blood cells also known as RBCs. If a couple, has a direct match of Rh factor, it automatically makes conceiving a child and delivering the baby easier. This is not a hard and fast rule, but this will lead to a simpler delivery with lesser risk on the mother and the baby.
Which Tests To Get Done?
- Blood Test
Medical Tests for Hereditary Transmitted Diseases
Diabetes, blood pressure - while these are not the typical hereditary transmissible conditions, having a history of the same in a family increases the chances of future offsprings getting it. So, get some tests done and that way you'll be able to combat these diseases by implementing a few lifestyle changes.
Which Tests To Get Done?
- Blood Test
Medical Tests for Chronic Health Ailments
This is the game-changer. This usually comes in the form of a full body checkup. Undergoing a full body checkup will give you a detailed analysis of each other's health condition. Upon doing so, if at all there is some tiny alarming setback, you will have time to either treat it, cure it or make an informed decision about the same.
Which Tests To Get Done?
- Complete body checkup from any testing lab
Any History of Disease/Treatment
Talk to your partner about their medical history. Nothing helps a relationship more than communicating with one another. Ask if they are on any sort of medication. This will prepare the two of you for a seamless and peaceful future together.
These are some of the most common conditions that each of us is at risk of coming in contact with. While in no way do we say that these are the deal-breakers, but, to know what your partner's medical history and current physical condition are will prepare you for a well-balanced life without putting either of you at any sort of risk whatsoever.
Rather than matching just Kundlis, go ahead and match your medical histories instead. Get back to us if you need any further details about these tests, etc.