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Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming is a videography service provider based in the city of Bangalore that an ensure that the most beautiful moment in your life is captured and chronicled in an equally perfect manner. Wedding photos and videos are something that you look forward to and which provides you with wonderful memories to look back at and cherish for the years to come. If you are looking for a skilled and talented team of cinematographers and editors who can make your wedding moments one of a kind, then your search can end here.

Services Offered

Not only they specialise in videography services but they can even cater to all of your photography-related needs and ensure that your wedding moments are preserved in a beautiful manner. They specialise in wedding films but can also offer you a range of services to choose from as per your needs and requirements. The skilled and talented team of Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming can even deliver your wedding story in no time.

The team of Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming is willing to travel anywhere within the city as well as outside to offer their services and make your wedding much more memorable. The range of services offered by them include the following:

  • Wedding films
  • Teaser videos
  • Lip-dub videos
  • Save the date videos
  • Pre-wedding shoots
  • Traditional videography
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Frequently asked questions

What is the price for 1 day pre-wedding photoshoot? (Typically includes: Teaser & a highlight video with photographs shot candidly and traditionally)


What is the price for 2 day wedding package that covers engagement/reception & wedding for an audience size of 300? (Typically includes: Photography & Videography, both shot candidly and traditionally)


What is the price for 3 day wedding package that covers pre-Wedding, engagement/reception & wedding for an audience size of 300? (Typically includes: Photography & Videography, both shot candidly and traditionally


What are the occasions that you cover?

Wedding & engagement
Engagement photography
Corporate events
Maternity shoot
Baby shoot

What shooting capabilities do you provide?


Which forms of payment do you accept?

Net banking
Cheque/ DD
Debit/ Credit cards

What is the % advance amount to confirm the booking?


What is your cancellation policy?

Please connect for the details

What is the price range for 1 day pre-wedding photoshoot? (Typically includes: Teaser & a highlight video with photographs shot candidly and traditionally)

Under ₹25,000

What is the price range for 1 day wedding package for an audience size of 300? (Typically includes: Photography & Videography, both shot candidly and traditionally)

Under ₹25,000

What is the price range for 2 day wedding package that covers engagement/reception & wedding for an audience size of 300? (Typically includes: Photography & Videography, both shot candidly and traditionally)

Under ₹50,000

What is the price range for 3 day wedding package that covers pre-Wedding, engagement/reception & wedding for an audience size of 300? (Typically includes: Photography & Videography, both shot candidly and traditionally)

Under ₹75,000
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Do you have any questions?

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14, Someshwara Temple Street, Kaggadasapura Main Road, Halusuru 560042 Kaggadasapura (Bangalore)

Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming frequently asked questions

Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming can provide photography services for these wedding events:
  • Wedding & engagement
  • Engagement photography
  • Parties
  • Corporate events
  • Maternity shoot
  • Baby shoot
Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming provides the following photography services:
  • Traditional
  • Candid
  • Cinematographic
The following mode of payments are accepted by Ramu Digital Studio & Video Filming:
  • Net banking
  • Cash
  • Cheque/ DD
  • Debit/ Credit cards
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